Read Lust

Satisfy your lust for reading. We love reading and we shall write about what we love to read.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Ted's Thoughts

We apologise for the lack of updates. We are in the midst of several life-changing situations and may not be able to blog until further notice (or at least, it feels that way). In the meantime, do feel free to visit Ted Mahsun's new, writing-and-reading-oriented blog, Ted's Thoughts.

Selected posts for your consumption:

  1. Submitted!
  2. The Etiquette of Eating Pizza
  3. On Murakami
  4. Getting Free Books from Kinokuniya


Blogger alex said...

Some clamored loudly for the conclusion of the exercises; others gave utterances in no particularly choice terms to a variety of opinions as to the schoolmaster's proceedings, varying the note occasionally by shouting, The letters! the letters! why don't you bring out the letters? At length, by means of much rapping on the desk by the president of the evening, who was fortunately a popular character, order was partially restored; and the favorite scene from Miss More's dialogue of David and Goliath was announced as the closing piece...

9:54 am, April 23, 2007  

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