Read Lust

Satisfy your lust for reading. We love reading and we shall write about what we love to read.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Pre-order Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Just wanted to mention that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is now available for pre-order at MPH and Popular bookstores. Not sure about Kinokuniya, but I'm sure they're taking pre-orders too. I'm not sure about MPH, but Popular wanted RM30 up-front if you wanted to reserve a copy.

Harry's returning this July 16th. Are you excited yet? I know I am! Excuse me while I go off to re-read the Order of the Phoenix.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man can't wait for it myself. I've been rereading book 3(Yes the movie though not bad but a bit dissapointing for me) till 5 in anticipation of it. Wondering whether or not should book it from MPH or Popular.

1:26 pm, May 30, 2005  

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