Read Lust

Satisfy your lust for reading. We love reading and we shall write about what we love to read.

Friday, March 25, 2005

George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

Hi, Seed-of-Evil-turned-librarian-Rumoku here. I would like to say that I'm glad to write my first post for ReadLust but I'm not. Possibly because it is actually my third post. Or at least it would be if technology didn't constantly fail me and screw up my posting! Graaaagh!

Anyway, here I am to review (for the third time) Roald Dahl's "George's Marvellous Medicine" (GMM). Now, if you are not familiar with Roald Dahl's works (in which case you should torture yourself in a slow, excrutiating manner to absolve yourself of sin) the first thing you'd notice is his brilliant use of prose and wit. Many books that I have read as a child lose a certain something through the passage of time (think Peter and Jane). Not so with GMM. The story is quick and fast paced but not lacking in detail; things easily left out in most children's books.

The story itself does not require a degree in brain surgery to understand: Young George is sick and tired of his foul mouthed Grandma and it's payback time. So he switches her medicine with a special concoction of his own...with humorous consequences. I could tell more but that'd ruin everything.

Now, if the God of Technology would see fit to allow me to actually post this post maybe you'd be inspired to re-read this modern children's classic. Hey, I believe in miracles too...

Rumoku out!

Next: The Time Traveller's Wife...maybe


Blogger sharkgila said...

Read a lot of Roald Dahl, but haven't read this one. Must go read.

1:51 am, March 25, 2005  
Blogger Ted Mahsun said...

You should! It's great!

10:31 pm, March 26, 2005  
Blogger Rumoku said...

Yes, it's great! I only read great books!

11:00 pm, March 27, 2005  

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