Read Lust

Satisfy your lust for reading. We love reading and we shall write about what we love to read.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Warning: if you can't stand chic-lit, this book is not a good idea. I can't usually stomach mindless chic-lit, but seeing this is a bestseller it must have some redeeming qualities so I gave it a try.

The story revolves around a ditzy girl with a serious shopping addiction and really horrible cash management issues. It follows her life as she spends and splurges and gets deeper in a financial mess. And she's a journalist for a financial digest! Guffaw.

The story isn't too bad, it's light reading and does (at least) have a story to tell. But it's easy to get irritated with the title character. She's shallow and weak-willed and really silly. You really feel like smacking her at times.

It's a good fun read. I'm on to the second book in the series (Shopaholic takes Manhattan) but this one is a pain to finish. She's more annoying this time around. I might not finish the book, her silly nitwit character is starting to grate.

Read only if you want.


Blogger Cyth said...

there are few books regarding the shopaholic...qutie nice read :P

just got another one for Chris. Shopaholic ties the knot

8:10 pm, April 04, 2005  
Blogger Ted Mahsun said...

Didn't think YOU would read Shopaholic, cyth.

6:09 pm, April 05, 2005  
Blogger Cyth said...

hahaha...never expect leh...I like to read but then mo moolah to buy and besides, if there's documentary books, i'd read it.

9:21 am, April 06, 2005  
Blogger Anah Shariff said...

hahha of all the people in the world, im sad to day ive finished the whole shopaholic series. To make things worse, i'd rate them as a serious page turner. :p

Try reading all 4 of them.

8:54 am, April 11, 2005  

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